I am not a full-time rep as I also work on the Brighton/ T-Wells frames team.
I am currently the Equality Officer for the branch (this will be my 3rd year), I have a genuine interest in the diversity of our members and look to be sure they are treated in a fair and equal way at all times within our work environment.
I continue to Chair the South east region Equalities committee.
I have now completed training in Health and Safety, Equalities, and Industrial relations. I have also been a USR for 6 years and I am now one of the two Health and Safety Officers in the branch and continue to have a great passion for Health & Safety.
I support the branch with its Twitter account, this has been useful in the last year to be able to share fast changing information at branch level and across all CWU branches that also use Twitter. If you use Twitter don’t forget to follow us at @SECCWUTEL or Facebook by searching for “CWU SEC Noticeboard”.
I look forward to gaining more experience as a rep over the coming years.
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