Openreach Service Delivery Frames Engineers

Dear Member
OPENREACH LTD – Service Delivery Frames Engineers
Your CWU Openreach National Team (ORNT) is extremely disappointed to advise you that Openreach have notified the CWU that they intend to commence redundancy consultation and you will have been invited onto a call this morning with management.
After extensive discussions at a senior level and despite our representations, SD senior management have chosen this path. Please contact your local CWU branch who will explain what this means for you.
Your CWU Openreach NT does not believe that Openreach needed to take this course of action.
Whilst the CWU accept there has been a decrease in the volume of frames tasks over time, demand has not completely disappeared.
Please get in contact with your local CWU branch who will have more information. The CWU will continue to support you through, what will undoubtedly be, a very difficult and unsettling time.
Yours sincerely,
FIONA CURTIS on behalf of the CWU Openreach National Team
Acting Assistant Secretary

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